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New Project: Vaccination Decision Support

04/03/2024: Vaccination is a significant means of protecting both individual and community health. It contributes to disease prevention, by stimulating the body's immune system to recognize and fight specific pathogens. There is a wide variety of vaccines available in the market. Vaccination guidelines are regularly updated to reflect the latest evidence, as our understanding of diseases, vaccines and immunity continues to evolve and new scientific research emerges. Despite their continuous training, health professionals strive to keep up with the newest developments.

In collaboration with Logiscoop Pansyfa and medical specialists, Ergobyte designed and is currently developing a robust software application to support pharmacist and physician decision-making regarding vaccination. The app implements the official, Greek vaccination schedule for adults, children and adolescents, issued in 2024. It is able to automatically schedule the next vaccine doses based on various factors. To provide reliable suggestions, the app takes into account the individual's age, gender, immune status, as well as conditions such as pregnancy, immunosuppression, etc.

With the new application at hand, physicians and pharmacists will have access to an updated digital health tool that will help them schedule population vaccinations more efficiently. Thus, vaccine administration will occur at the appropriate time, keeping patients, children, and the general population protected from serious illnesses.

The first version of the application is expected to be released in the fall of 2024.

21, Aristotelous str., 54624
Thessaloniki, Greece
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E-mail: info@ergobyte.gr
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